Fossil & Mineral Hunt

Fossil & Mineral Hunt

Come join us for a day of fossil hunting in the hills of Kansas. This tour is for surface hunting finds and touring the canyons of the plains. The whole family will enjoy this event. This is a tour that includes a trip to Cheyenne Gap area and 4 hrs. of learning and Hunting, while you explore the canyons of this region. This part of Kansas was covered by Oceans in the past and had many species of ocean life that became fossils over time. Maybe you will be one of the lucky guest to find an amazing find.

Wild Crafting and Remedies

Come join us on a tour and see the site of the prairie. We teach you about the plants and how they were used by the native American tribes and pioneers. This tour introduces you to species of plants that are unique to Kansas. We also teach the old ways to process these herbs into folk remedies and how they were used in the past.

Wild Crafting On The Praire


Night Sky Tours takes you to a location via Hay wagon . Then in the darkest part of the region, shows you the wonders of the sky. We can reach many of the planets with this powerful telescope and show you things the eyes cant see with the Generation 3 night vision. If you never believed in UFOs, maybe this will convince you there are other things out there.

1923 Model T Rides Midland Railroad Hotel Rides 

1923 Model T Rides In the Blue Hills

Our newest Tour for the 2024 season. Take a ride on a Model T truck on the back road of the Blue Hill Cheyanne Gap region of Kansas Come for the day or for the weekend. On farm lodging is available. Come for a Lunch or dinner tour and after we explore the region on the 1923 Model T we come back to the club house for a meal of your choice. Contact me for reservation.

Lodging and Food

Message us for Lodging and dinning as part of your tour. Some folks because of the remote locations will stay in one of our 6 rooms that we have provided exclusively for our tour guests. $50.00 a night for a double twin or single full size or stay in our sheep herders wagon or gypse wagon. Adventure Tours of Kansas is rural and unique in that our main office is on a working farm and ranch. Our facility is custom just for you and your family. Food is available and prepared by us, or for a reasonable price you can fix your own meals in our club house and kitchen. Hope to see you soon Terry Rowe owner of Adventure Tours Of Kansas.